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3-month training plan to prepare for half-marathon
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To prepare for a half marathon (21.1km) in 3 months, you will need a reasonable training plan, focusing on gradually increasing running distance, improving endurance, and maintaining good physical fitness. Below is a general guide tailored to your current situation.

Benefits of running a marathon and the importance of thorough preparation

Running a marathon, especially half-marathon (21.1 km) or full marathon (42,195 km), is not only a physical challenge but also a journey to discover mental strength. Completing a marathon brings many health benefits, but at the same time requires careful preparation both physically and mentally.


Benefits of running a marathon

・Improve cardiovascular health: Regular long-distance running helps improve cardiovascular function, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and stroke. When you run, your heart rate increases, leading to better blood circulation and improved overall health.


・Increase endurance and flexibility: Marathon is a test of the body's endurance and stamina. Through your training, you will see noticeable progress in your endurance, from running a few kilometers to completing a marathon.


・Supports weight control: Running is an effective form of exercise that burns calories. Combined with proper nutrition, running a marathon can help you maintain your ideal weight and lose excess fat.


・Improve mood and mental health: Running helps release endorphins - hormones that help improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety. Marathon is also an opportunity for you to challenge your limits, helping to increase your confidence and ability to face difficulties in life.


・Build discipline and patience: Preparing for a marathon requires a months-long training plan. Perseverance and discipline in this process will not only help you finish the race, but can also be applied to other aspects of life.


Why is careful preparation necessary?

Although running a marathon brings many benefits, it is also quite challenging, especially for beginners. Therefore, careful preparation is indispensable.


・Avoid injury: Improper or overloaded training can lead to injuries, from muscle soreness to more serious problems like knee, ankle, and hip injuries. Having a specific workout plan and tailoring it to your physical condition helps reduce the risk of injury and ensures you can maintain your training over the long term.


・Improve exercise effectiveness: A reasonable exercise plan will help you increase your endurance and stamina over time. Not only will this help you finish the race confidently, but it will also improve your performance and speed.


・Prepare mentally: Marathon is not only a physical battle but also a mental challenge. Careful preparation helps you build the mental strength you need to get through difficult moments in the race, such as when you feel exhausted or demotivated.


・Nutrition and recovery: An important part of preparation is understanding nutrition and recovery measures. Eating properly before, during, and after running helps your body have enough energy and recover quickly after each workout session. At the same time, getting enough rest and performing stretching exercises helps the body recover and be ready for the next workout session.


・Build a solid foundation: Regular training and gradually increasing your distance helps your body get used to the intensity and length of the race. This will help you avoid feeling exhausted or having a “wall” (the feeling of sudden energy depletion) on race day.

3-month training plan for half-marathon

To prepare for a half marathon (21.1km) in 3 months, you will need a reasonable training plan, focusing on gradually increasing running distance, improving endurance, and maintaining good physical fitness. Below is a general guide tailored to your current situation. *Note: Because each person will have a different physical condition and level of training before running a half-marathon, you can consult and rely on the advice of a personal trainer or current smart guidance tools. Now to adjust a training plan that best suits you. From there, we will create long-term training effectiveness and motivation.


Weeks 1-4: Basic construction


・Get used to running several times a week

・Gradually increase running distance from 5km to 10km



・Day 1: Run 4-5km at an easy pace (8'00"-8'30"/km). Finish with a few stretches.

・Day 2: Rest or walk gently for 30 minutes.

・Day 3: Run 5-6km at an easy pace. Do a few more abdominal and back exercises.

・Day 4: Complete rest.

・Day 5: Intervals: Run fast 400m (7'00"-7'30"/km) x 4-6 times, resting 2 minutes between each time.

・Day 6: Run 6-8km at an easy pace.

・Day 7: Rest or yoga, stretching.


Weeks 5-8: Increase distance and endurance


・Increase running distance to 12-15km

・Increases ability to maintain long running speed



・Day 1: Run 5-6km at an easy pace.

・Day 2: Variable speed run: 800m fast (7'00"-7'30"/km) x 4-5 times.

・Day 3: Rest or light walking.

・Day 4: Run 8-10km at an easy pace.

・Day 5: Run 5km at an average pace (7'30"-8'00"/km).

・Day 6: Run 10-12km at an easy pace.

・Day 7: Rest or yoga.


Weeks 9-12: Prepare for the peak


・Increase long running distance to nearly 18-20km

・Improve endurance and speed for race day



・Day 1: Run 6-7km at an easy pace.

・Day 2: Variable speed run: 1km fast (7'00"-7'30"/km) x 4 times.

・Day 3: Rest or light walking.

・Day 4: Run 10-12km at an easy pace.

・Day 5: Run 6-7km at average speed.

・Day 6: Run 15-18km at an easy pace.

・Day 7: Rest, stretching or yoga.


Last week before half marathon


・Keep your body fresh and avoid overload

・Focus on rest and nutrition



・Day 1: Run 5km at an easy pace.

・Day 2: Run 4-5km at an easy pace, focusing on breathing and running form.

・Day 3: Complete rest.

・Day 4: Run 3-4km gently.

・Day 5: Rest.

・Day 6: Run 2-3km very gently to keep your body flexible.

・Day 7: Rest, prepare mentally for race day.


Important note:

・Nutrition: Make sure you eat enough protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Drink enough water, especially on long running days.

・Rest: Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night for your body to recover best.

・Equipment: Make sure your running shoes fit and get replaced if necessary.


Adjust if necessary:

・Listen to your body. If you feel overwhelmed or in pain, reduce the intensity or rest more.


Running a marathon is a challenging yet rewarding journey, bringing countless health and mental benefits. However, to ensure success and safety, thorough preparation is extremely important. By following a scientific training plan and focusing on recovery and nutrition, you will not only complete the race but also feel the joy and pride of surpassing yourself.

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