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The role of blue space and green space in improving mental health
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Green spaces in general not only bring relaxation but also play an important role in improving mental health and quality of life. Take time to enjoy and explore the natural spaces around you to make the most of the benefits they have to offer. We all need a green battery charger to regenerate healthy and strong energy for this small body.

1 The role of green space for spirituality

1.1 Helps positively improve mental health

One thing that is rarely noticed is that houses, apartments, and hotels with sea views all have higher prices because looking at the water helps the body relax, reduces heart rate and blood pressure, and increases happy hormones like serotonin. and endorphins, which make our bodies feel better.

Spending time near water or green spaces helps improve psychological and physical health. This may be a surprising thing to many people because we have always known that natural spaces such as the sea, mountains, forests, or quiet countryside are good for us when we want to find a peaceful place to hang out. relaxation and healing.


1.2 Reduce physiological arousal

In an early study at the University of Delaware, people's brain waves when looking at natural images of green spaces (natural vegetation) and blue spaces (water spaces) were measured. The results showed that people looking at pictures of water spaces showed lower levels of brain activation, proving that looking at pictures of water can also help the brain relax.

It's no surprise that people are happier in natural environments than in urban areas, but not all natural environments have the same effect. For Catherine Kelly, author of Blue Spaces: How & Why Water Can Make You Feel Better, “seeing ourselves in coastal spaces allows us to let go in a way that other spaces do.” cannot"


Let's learn about the positive effects of blue space on human mental health.


2 Benefits of blue space for human mental health

2.1 Reduce stress and anxiety:

Blue spaces, such as the ocean, lake, or river, have a calming effect on the soul and reduce stress. The sound of flowing water and crashing waves helps reduce anxiety, creating a feeling of peace and relaxation.

2.2 Enhance creativity and ability to concentrate:

Spending time near water can improve concentration and creativity. A peaceful environment free from natural distractions enhances creative thinking and productivity.


2.3 Improve sleep quality:

The soothing sounds and rhythm of water can help the body relax and fall asleep more easily. Blue space can improve sleep quality, helping you wake up refreshed and full of energy.


2.4 Promote feelings of happiness and contentment:

Time spent near blue spaces helps stimulate the production of happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine. This not only improves mood but also increases feelings of satisfaction and happiness, reducing the risk of depression and other psychological problems. Blue space not only brings relaxation but also plays an important role in improving mental health and quality of life. Take time to enjoy and explore the water spaces around you to make the most of the benefits they have to offer.

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