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Benefits of green space for mental health
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The power of natural space always brings incredible positive effects to human mental health. That's why we feel better in natural environments than in modern cities. Activities in nature, mountains, seas, any green space not only bring benefits to physical health but also incredible health benefits. Green space is a source of fast battery charging for modern people.

1 The role of green space in mental health


1.1 The role of green space in mental health

●Green spaces, such as forests, parks and gardens, help reduce stress and improve mood. The green color of plants and flowers has a soothing effect on the eyes and soul, helping to reduce anxiety and create a feeling of peace.

1.2 Enhance psychological resilience:

●Spending time in green spaces enhances psychological resilience after stressful or tiring situations. Natural environments promote recovery and regeneration of mental energy, helping people cope better with daily challenges.


1.3 Improve concentration and reduce mental fatigue:

●Green space has the ability to improve concentration and reduce mental fatigue. Outdoor activities in a green environment help regenerate brain energy, improve work and study performance.


1.4 Promote a sense of social connection and community:

●Green spaces are often places where community activities and social exchanges take place. Participating in outdoor activities such as walks, picnics, or sports in the park helps strengthen social relationships, create a sense of belonging to the community, and enhance life satisfaction.


Green space not only brings physical benefits but also makes an important contribution to people's mental health. Utilizing and protecting green spaces in our cities and surroundings is necessary to ensure a balanced and happy life.


2 Different roles of green space and blue space in affecting mental health

Both green spaces and blue spaces have unique benefits for people's mental and physical health. Green spaces mainly focus on the vibrancy and dynamism of vegetation, which helps reduce stress, enhance psychological resilience and improve concentration. Meanwhile, blue spaces offer the stillness and serenity of water, which helps relax, improve sleep and promote a sense of well-being.


2.1 Green space:

●Reduces stress and anxiety: Exposure to plants and nature helps reduce stress and anxiety levels.

●Enhance psychological resilience: Green environments help regenerate mental energy and increase the ability to recover from stressful situations.

●Improve concentration: Activities in green spaces help increase concentration and reduce mental fatigue.

●Promotes a sense of social connection: Green areas are often where community activities take place, helping to strengthen social bonds.


2.2 Blue space:

●Reduces stress and physiological arousal: The sound and sight of water induces relaxation, reduces heart rate and blood pressure, and increases happy hormones such as serotonin and endorphins.

●Enhances creativity and concentration: Being near water improves creativity and concentration.

●Improve sleep quality: The soothing sound of water helps ease falling asleep and improves sleep quality.

●Promotes feelings of happiness: Blue spaces help increase feelings of satisfaction and happiness, reducing the risk of depression.



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