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Cleaning and Health — Daily cleaning protects your health
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Cleaning every day is directly connected to protecting your health. This is probably more important than any infectious disease control measure.

What happened yesterday

Last night, there was localized heavy rain in Hanoi. I was riding my bike at that exact moment and took temporary shelter from the rain. However, even after waiting for more than 30 minutes, the rain did not stop. Moreover, my bike was running out of gas, and there was a gas station about 10 minutes away, so I was on my way there. Exhausted, I decided to ride my bike to the gas station in the heavy rain. However, due to the heavy rain, the water was so bad that the water was up to my knees, causing my bike to stop halfway. When I turned on the engine of my bike, it started idling and rain water hit me directly in the face. Anyway, now I have to fill up with gas and head home… With that in mind, I managed to arrive at the gas station. It really only took about 30 minutes, but that’s how it turned out.


Wash your body in a clean house

After arriving home, I took a quick shower. If you had a dirty house and a dirty bathroom, you wouldn’t be able to take a shower as refreshingly as you did. I truly appreciated the value of a clean bathroom. I washed the muddy rainwater off my face and hair, thoroughly washed the insides of my fingernails, and scrubbed vigorously all over my body, working hard to remove the dirt. When I finished my shower and left the bathroom, I was greeted by a clean room, which gave me a refreshing feeling and made me forget what had just happened. I strongly felt that the room should be clean.


The importance of daily cleaning

In recent years, various methods have been proposed to maintain health, but among them, the effect of daily cleaning on health is often overlooked. At first glance, the relationship between cleaning and health may not seem obvious, but in reality, cleaning has a very positive impact on health. In fact, the mental refreshment I felt yesterday was due to daily cleaning. In this article, we will explain in detail the health effects of cleaning and let everyone know that daily cleaning protects your health.


Meaning of cleaning

To understand the health benefits of cleaning, consider what cleaning means. Cleaning means keeping the environment, such as your home or office, clean and tidy. This act is not just for visual aesthetic purposes, but is deeply related to our health. For example, by cleaning your room regularly, you can remove allergens such as dust and pollen. This reduces the risk of allergic reactions and respiratory problems. Cleaning is never just a matter of solving cosmetic problems.


Preventing infectious diseases through regular cleaning

Additionally, a clean environment is also an important means of preventing the reproduction of bacteria and viruses. Especially during the season when infectious diseases such as colds and influenza are prevalent, frequent cleaning is an effective defense to protect your health. Water areas such as kitchens and bathrooms are hotbeds for bacteria. Therefore, cleaning the water area regularly will suppress the growth of pathogens and minimize the risk of infectious diseases.


Exercise by cleaning

It’s true that cleaning increases your physical activity. When you clean your house, you will be moving your body. Vacuuming or mopping the floor can help you incorporate some light exercise. Regular exercise like this not only improves your strength and flexibility, but also helps keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Cleaning is, in a sense, a moderate exercise. Moderate exercise can also reduce stress and promote mental health.


Positive psychological effects of cleaning

Various studies have also shown that cleaning has positive psychological effects. A tidy environment calms the mind and reduces stress. Many studies have shown that a tidy and tidy room gives you peace of mind and increases your concentration and creativity. Therefore, cleaning the environment is an important way to promote mental health.


Cleaning and health

As you can see, cleaning has many health benefits. Daily cleaning reduces the risk of allergic reactions and infections, increases physical activity, and promotes psychological well-being. Don’t overlook the importance of cleaning in your busy life, and making regular cleaning a habit is essential to protect your health. However, it is also true that cleaning every day is extremely difficult.


Hire a professional for regular cleaning

In recent years, house cleaning services have become commonplace not only in Japan but also in Europe and America. Although you understand the importance of cleaning, there are cases in which you may want to hire a professional cleaning service in the following cases.


●You can’t find time to clean by yourself.

●You usually clean your house yourself, but youwould like to hire a professional to make it even cleaner.

●Ask friends or parents for cleaning services as a birthday present.


The reasons why people hire house cleaning services vary from person to person. However, it is recommended for people who understand the importance of cleaning but find it difficult to do it themselves.


The importance of a clean environment

Whether you do regular cleaning yourself or hire a professional, the end result is the same: creating a clean environment. A clean environment is also important for our health. This is not only a problem for you, but also a very important problem that helps protect the health of your family.

Well, how much KIREI is your house?

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